Terms and conditions of business for CVS (UK) Ltd

This veterinary practice is a member of the CVS (UK) Limited group of veterinary practices, registered in England and Wales with registration number 3777473 and whose registered office address is at CVS House, Owen Road, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4ER. This document sets out the terms of the contract established between us (CVS (UK) Limited) and you (the registered animal owner or individual requesting veterinary services) which comes into being when you register your animal with our veterinary practice or when you ask us to provide veterinary services.

Should you have any queries regarding any aspect of these terms of business please do not hesitate to ask us for further clarification.

General terms (applying to the provision of all goods and services)


Estimates are provided verbally either at the time of booking the appointment or during the consultation itself. Written estimates are available on request. All estimates given are only approximate, and the final fee could be higher or lower than this estimate depending on complications during treatment and patient response to treatment. We will endeavour to contact you as soon as we have reason to believe that the costs could be significantly higher than the estimate.


All fees for services and prices for goods (including food, accessories and drugs) are subject to VAT at the applicable rate (currently 20% for standard-rated items). Prices for goods are as marked or notified at the point of purchase. A full fee breakdown will appear on your invoice.

Fees for services include our professional fees in respect of the veterinary services provided along with the cost of any drugs, materials or consumables used in the provision of the services. Professional fees vary according to the time spent on a case, and the level of expertise required of the staff looking after your animal.


Please refer to the specific terms regarding payment for small animal and large animal and commercial work below.

The following general payment terms apply in all cases.

If you become unable to pay your account according to the standard terms, this must be discussed with the veterinary practice as soon as possible.

In the absence of any other arrangement agreed with the veterinary surgeon, accounts not settled within our standard terms will be subject to a late payment interest charge of 5% above the Bank of England base rate accruing from the date payment should have been received until final settlement. In the case of commercial work interest and charges shall be shall be calculated in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.

If you do not pay your invoice when it falls due we shall take such action as we consider appropriate to recover our fees which may include engaging third party debt collection agencies to recover the outstanding fees and/or instigating proceedings against you in the county court. In such cases, any costs levied by the debt collection agency will be added on to the outstanding balance owed by you and/or we will seek to recover any legal expenses from you. Please note that the use of debt collection agencies and the county court could affect your future credit rating.

We shall be entitled to suspend the provision of any further goods and/or services until you have paid any outstanding sums in full. Where we consider it appropriate to do so we may require payment on account before goods and/or services are provided.


Prescriptions are available from this practice. You will be advised of the prescription charge when you contact the practice. Prescription charges are applied only when you request a prescription from us but go elsewhere to have the prescription filled. Animals requiring repeat prescriptions will need to be re-assessed periodically by the veterinary surgeon dealing with the case. The re-examination interval will vary between clinical cases. Please give us 48 hours’ notice for any requests for a repeat or written prescription. There is a charge for a re-examination, details of which will be provided on enquiry.

Please note that we cannot accept the return of any prescription drugs as such items cannot be resold. If you wish us to safely dispose of any unwanted medication we can do so.

Client records

Client and clinical records, and other such similar documents (including, but not limited to, digital imaging results), are and shall remain the property of CVS (UK) Limited. Copies of clinical records may be passed to another veterinary surgeon on request should you move surgeries.

We never discuss or sell confidential records to any third party other than if you move surgeries or are referred to another veterinary surgeon.


Our liability in respect of all and any claims, damages or losses arising in respect of the goods and/or services provided by us or arising in connection with any attendance at our practice or attendance at any property by one of our vets shall be limited in accordance with our insurance cover as detailed above. In the event of any uninsured claims, damages or losses our liability shall be limited to the value of the goods and/or services to which the claim, damages or loss relates.

Data protection

When you register your animal with our practice or request that we provide veterinary services we will collect personal data about you and, where relevant, your employees and/or agents. We will only collect data that we need to perform the services, take payment or contact you such as names, contact details and possibly some financial details. Please note that we may pass your details to debt collection agencies or our legal advisers for the purpose of recovering unpaid fees if you do not pay invoices when they fall due. For further information about your rights as a data subject, plus information about the categories of data we process, data transfers, the legal basis for our processing, and the purposes of processing, please refer to our privacy notice.


We pride ourselves on offering a quality service, and take customer complaints seriously. Should we not meet your expectations on any aspect of our service, please let us know at the time where possible.

Alternatively, should you wish to raise a formal complaint, we ask that you contact the practice in person, by telephone or in writing within three months of the complaint event. The clinical director or practice manager will then investigate your complaint in accordance with Stage 1 of our Complaints Procedure.

If you are not happy with the outcome of the investigation, you may ask for a review or re-investigation in accordance with Stage 2 of our Complaints Procedure. Stage 2 complaints should be raised within three months of the outcome of the Stage 1 investigation, and be addressed in writing to:

Operations Director
CVS (UK) Limited
Townsend Veterinary Practice
168 Birmingham Road
B61 0HB

If you are not happy with the outcome of a Stage 2 investigation, you may invoke Stage 3 of our Complaints Procedure. At Stage 3, we recommend that you refer your complaint for external mediation through the Veterinary Client Mediation Service within three months of the outcome of the Stage 2 investigation.

Alternatively please feel free to email any feedback or complaints to .